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Research Research and Diagnostic Services

Performance Measurement Associates uses leading edge methods to gather the "voice" of the customers and employees, and to assess executive alignment and organizational performance. We conduct qualitative, quantitative and secondary research to meet the varied information needs of our clients.

Generally our work leads to one or more of the following reports or exhibits:

Customer Expectations Assay Report
Based on a data-gathering process called Expectations Mining®, this reports identifies all of the significant expectations that customers have of a superior provider of a given product category or service.

Employee Expectations Assay Report
Similar to the Customer Expectations Report except that employees are the target population. The Mining process identifies the expectations that employees have of their employer.

Alignment Diagnostic
Identifies the extent to which an executive team or an employee population understands and is willing to commit to a strategy or course of action.

Best Practice Research
Identifies the best practices of leading companies.

Zones of Tolerance
For each product or service attribute, this report graphically and simultaneously displays customers' desired level of performance, minimally acceptable level of performance, current perceived supplier performance, and industry or best competitor performance.

Segmentation Analysis
Determines how a customer base can be segmented not only demographically, but also in terms of value creation.

Customer Loyalty Driver Analysis
Identifies those aspects of product and service that most increase customer loyalty.

Strategic Action Priorities
Compares ideal performance against customer expectations with current perceived performance, competitive performance and loyalty drivers to identify priorities for action.

Competitor Analysis
Compares a client's perceived performance in delivering to customer expectations with the performance of key competitors.

Service Level Analysis
Indicates range of performance required to satisfy the majority of customers on key service elements, which allows for the setting of realistic, customer-focused service standards.


Performance Measurement Associates, Inc.

Copyright © 2001 [Performance Measurement Associates, Inc.]. All rights reserved.
Revised: October 21, 2005