Strategic Consulting
We partner with clients to design and implement Dynamic Business
Scorecards, establish "voice of the customer" measurement
systems, align leadership teams, develop customer value propositions, create
strategic management systems, and convert research findings into action.
The Dynamic Business Scorecard (DBS) is a logical, model-driven process
that assures that results in a measurement system that can actually predict
future bottom-line results.
Executive Alignment
Organizations can achieve results that individuals acting alone cannot.
To be more than a set of disconnected individuals, an organization must
attain alignment among its members regarding its strategic goals, and the
organization methods used to achieve those goals. When alignment is weak,
people wind up working at cross-purposes and actions become less effective.
Our Executive Alignment Process has proven to be effective at helping
companies implement their strategies and attain their strategic goals. 
Strategic Performance Management
What are all the pieces that need to be in place to achieve optimal
effectiveness? How should an organization set priorities among all the
various initiatives that beg for attention? How should organizational
performance be measured? We help clients reach definitive answers to these
and similar questions. 
Voice of Customer and Employee Systems
We help clients design and implement ongoing measurement systems. Our
focus is as much on the internal dissemination and use of information as it
is on the collection of it.